Sunday 28 August 2016

Day 1 - For a Westerner Indian Roads are the Epitome of Organised Chaos (Chandigarh - Narkanda 196km)

We left Chandigarh mid morning and headed into the maelstrom known as the Indian road network.  For those of us who were not used to it we experienced emotions close to brain numbing fear.  Winding in and out of Kamikaze rickshaws, cars, busses, mopeds, trucks, dogs, people, cows and even monkeys required the concentration of Ronnie O'Sullivan.  For those of you too young or from the wrong parts of the world, he was a very good snooker player.

I try to explain the principles of Thermo Nuclear Multiplicative Relativity to Karna. No need since he already knew all about it!!

Anand and the Boy Demon's of Speed seemed to be enjoying the near death experience and following them it was not long before we were out of the city and away from people.  That is as close to being away from people in a country with a population of 1.252 billion.

The Indian Health and Safety Executive does not get as far as the Himalayan foothills.  How do you get more gas out of the bottle?  Simple.  Just heat it over the stove!!!!!!

Accommodation for the night with a ceiling of asbestos.  Don't worry it is OK so long as you do not disturb it.  The accommodation all through the trip was great and the asbestos was far better than my roof of canvas.

Today was the one and only day I had a workout.  The next day my head hurt so much that I started taking Diamox and it really worked.  Me and 3 of the girlies.  In case you are confused by my good looks I am the one on the right.  Then Neha, Sandy and Raksha.

And the boys. Left to right.  Me, Rishi, Anand, Varun, Craig(standing), Presanth.  Karna was busy combing his beard and Bharut was behind the camera.  He proved to be a bit of Photographic Ace.

The reason I look like Quasimodo is due to body armour I am wearing under the shirt and not due to misplaced genes.  The punk hairstyle was carefully crafted my Shoei during hours of wearing my helmet.  For those of you yet to experience the delights of life in the saddle.  Shoei is a helmet manufacturer :)

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